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Friss hozzászólások


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I will buy you a new life

2008.08.30. 02:33 | Goo | 2 komment

The life I’ve been leading for 18 years is just in boxes. Boxes that never gonna be at the same place again. I’m not afraid of moving to a new city, getting to know new people, make new friends and start a new life. I wanna do that. I’m afraid of leaving this town, leaving people I’ve known in whole of my life. I’m afraid of finishing the life I’ve always had. I’ll never ever cross the road #8 each and every morning in my way to school or back to home. Will I ever cycle again? I’m thinking about moments I’m leaving behind. The everyday routine which sometimes seemed so boring.

I’ve always hated living here, but now at the moment of leaving everything seems to be so complicated… Smells, colors, faces, smiles… Just a moment, I’ll take another tissue…

It was just so trivial to have everything and everyone close to me. My school in the heart of the town… I only had to cross the street if I wanted to see my great grandma… I saw tears in her eyes when we last met and I said goodbye to her. I know she thought about the same things I did… Who’s gonna visit her in the future? She’ll be left totally alone with no one who listens to her stories…

My grandma… She’s also alone now. I saw her crying too many times recently. I’ve always been there when she needed someone to talk to and she’s also been there for me. I could always count on her and I was the one who had a shoulder to cry on when she was so disappointed and depressed. Then everything changed around her, she’s just became a widow. I had to see her at my grandpa’s funeral… I’ve never seen her so dejected before… I’m afraid of leaving her alone, but I’ve got to…

I’m going to have a new life and it’s so sad to know I will never have a chance to return where I came from… I’ve got to say goodbye to everything I’ve called home…

This whole article sucks. Sorry for that, I’m not able to express the way I feel in such a condition I’m in.

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Jucee 2008.08.30. 09:55:44

Yes, you will cycle again. At least with me. But I get your point. Beginning a 'new life' is always hard you'll need to be extra strong. But there is a big advantage: you have a blank page. You are getting know a lot of new people, you can create new relationship, at all: you can do _everything_ as you want.
Maybe I'm wrong, but the college doesn't mean that you can never return home again, it just makes the things different. But it's alright, because you're changing all the time. Changing is good. You _have to_ be cut off your surroundings (nem tudom jól írom-e, kiszakadni a környezetből akar lenni), because that means new experiences, new adventures which you need. That'd make your life more colourful.
I'm sorry about your grandma, but she could already be proud of his grandchild. You care about her and love her and that's the best you can do and I'm pretty sure that she knows it. But you're too young to stuck at home, you should see life, so don't be sorry, being your grandma alone is not your mistake. I'm sure you and your family will work it out and you will enjoy your four years which my mom always mentions as the best years ever. Have a nice life (and contact me if you can). (And I can't believe that I've registered just to send it. It's a load of rubbish, sorry, but I felt I have to write to you.)
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